While it is not clear exactly which Hamilton wine bar is being referred to, this was ‘Stella of the Star’ speaking in an interview with
gay activist John (‘Doreen’) Pearce. The interview was for a book which was to become the
landmark gay and lesbian history of the Hunter. [2]
With ‘Glenda,’ Stella sang and performed in extravagantly outrageous drag costumes
at venues such as the Star and Criterion Hotels, helping them become known as safe gay spaces in
the Newcastle of the 1970s and 1980s respectively.
Stella performing at the Criterion Hotel
Photograph from the collection of Jon Mancinelli
This is the story of one of Hamilton’s gay bars,
and of the small role it played in the larger ‘coming out’ of gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender people. But first, what was it like to be
non-heterosexual in Newcastle, in the days before consensual sex between men was decriminalised
(1984), and anti discrimination was enshrined in our laws (1982)?
In the Introduction to ‘Out in the Valley - Hunter gay and lesbian histories’, the Editors
Jim Wafer, Erica Southgate and Lyndall Coan, explain their motivation for writing this history. It was the year 2000. Even
then, it seems, they knew they were taking a calculated risk, as there were
some local gays and lesbians who preferred their history to remain hidden. Their
fear, grounded in searing past experience, was that community relations would
not improve; that even more exclusion and rejection would result.
Nevertheless, the history was written -
‘.....in the hope that the stories we present will be a source of
support for future gays and lesbians in the region’, ... to show... ‘how those
who preceded them as Hunter homosexuals managed to survive...
‘But we have also written it in the hope that the broader community
will understand us better and shun us less’. [3]
Parasol covered with 24 silver wine cask bladders
By Ralf, shown in Newcastle Museum Exhibition ‘Hunter Pride’
Photograph courtesy of Newcastle Museum
A glimpse of how things used to be...
Three years before, in July 1997, an important watershed in
the gay and lesbian history of Newcastle had been celebrated. The first gay and
lesbian exhibition in a public museum outside of a capital city in Australia
was held at the Newcastle Museum. It was titled ‘Hunter Pride: a celebration of the lives and loves of the Hunter gay,
lesbian and transgender community’.
The first night was attended by 200 people, and opened by
guest of honour, Kevin Coleman.
Who was Kevin Coleman?
The significance of Kevin’s appearance at this civic event
can be best understood by shining light on his early life experiences.
Born in Adamstown in 1934, Kevin Coleman realized he was ‘different’
around the age of 14, as a student at Marist Brothers Boys High, Hamilton. At
15, he became an apprentice boilermaker at Civic Workshops. Kevin was the life partner
of Keith Robinson, from 1950 until Keith died in 1992.
Keith Robinson owned a menswear shop in Hunter Street,
Newcastle in the 1940s – 1950s.
At that time, police were determined to enforce laws which
made sexual acts between men a crime. Their procedure was to obtain names, then question
those men in order to obtain more names, and so on. Keith’s success and
visibility made him a high profile target.
As a young gay man in 1952, Kevin was one of those ‘names’ identified,
pulled in and harassed by police in an attempt to have him incriminate his
partner. When two detectives came to the Civic workshops, he was called to the
Works Managers’ office, and then taken away.
While incredibly, Kevin withstood sustained pressure of
police questioning, others could not. Kevin saw charges laid against his
partner, who in effect was driven from Newcastle to seek a fair trial before a
jury in Sydney. Although successfully defended, at great cost, immense damage
was done to Keith’s business and livelihood. Kevin explains:
‘It really ruined him. Well, they were very, very narrow attitudes. Newcastle
was rather a smallish place in those days. They didn’t care if you were charged
or not. Once you got your name in the paper, you were guilty... People used to walk past his shop, and peer in to see who he was’.
Kevin explained at interview for ‘Out in the Valley’ how police
would walk into a store, such as a menswear shop (‘Rundles, or Elliotts’), say
they had evidence that 'so and so' was a homosexual, and the person would be
‘That is what it was. Long as your name was in the paper. That’s all
they were after....Civil liberties just didn’t exist’. [5]
As well as Kevin going to high school in Hamilton, there was
a connection for Keith too. ‘H’, an interviewee for ‘Out in the Valley’, tells
of going to a housewarming party at Keith’s flat in Tudor Street –
‘He had a party. Probably about half a dozen, or eight or ten people I
suppose, in that building of flats down in Tudor Street, one block this side of
Beaumont, on the left going out. And there was no furniture up there. I think
there was carpet on the floor, we just sat round on the carpet having drinks.
That would be 1949, 1950 I would think.’ [6]
Gown with 70 silver wine cask bladders
sewn on blue halter neck dress
By Ralf, shown in Newcastle Museum Exhibition ‘Hunter Pride’
Photograph courtesy of Newcastle Museum
So then, to the 70s and 80s...
What changed, between the 1950s and the 1970s, when ‘Stella’
talked about the police keeping an eye out for her?
What happened was the 60s – a decade of political and social
upheaval, in which young people challenged the traditional attitudes and values
of their parents and the society in which they had grown up. The advent of the
contraceptive pill for women accelerated the women’s rights movement. There was
greater acceptance of sex outside traditional monogamous relationships, and of
diversity in the way sexuality was expressed.
A wave of protest movements swept the western world, spearheaded by student activists. Protestors targeted the Vietnam war, conscription and the nuclear industry, and advocated for racial equality, women’s liberation and Indigenous rights. Campaigns for law reform went hand in hand with protests.
A wave of protest movements swept the western world, spearheaded by student activists. Protestors targeted the Vietnam war, conscription and the nuclear industry, and advocated for racial equality, women’s liberation and Indigenous rights. Campaigns for law reform went hand in hand with protests.
moratorium demonstration in front of main building
University 1971
courtesy of University of Sydney Archives G3_224_0252
Although there would be much backsliding, Australian society
became more tolerant, over time.
Back in Hamilton...
Back in Hamilton...
The Newcastle Museum identifies two gay wine bars active in Hamilton in the 1970s and 1980s. One of those mentioned on the Exhibition panel was reportedly at the back of a restaurant/function centre at 60 Beaumont Street. [7] The Capana was built on the site formerly occupied by landmark Hamilton business, Gow’s Drapery. That building was demolished when Gow’s went out of business, unable to compete with nearby shopping centres. [8] Read more about the Gow family here.
It was another long established wine bar that endured over several name changes, creating a lively and colourful history throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
Denis Michael Yates was one of the 'new wave' patrons, writing on Facebook (Lost Gay Newcastle):
‘I remember when it was one of the three places we could go socially –
the middle bar at the Star, and a bar
at the Terminus Hotel being the others...I also remember it as a closed door
wine bar where you had to know to gain entry... it served as a major part in my
early gay life, a great fun place...we even danced on Beaumont Street after it
closed at night, to music from Ray Stuart’s green Torana hatch, before heading
off to the Vienna Coffee Lounge. There was no access to the cellar when I went
there and the music was a juke box’.
In its first incarnation as a gay friendly bar, it was called the Centurion.
Bar of the Centurion
Photograph from the collection of Graeme Aldred
‘it’s hard remembering the 80s – most of it is a blur!’

Some of the drag performers in the Hamilton Wine Bar
Photographs from the collection of Jon Mancinelli
‘Broke my ankle there one night. Don’t know how, but next day I was
told I did it there’
‘Being locked in to stop the bikies getting us’
‘I will never forget the flat upstairs catching fire’
‘Some idiot trying to ram his car through the front of the wine bar...’
‘I remember many fights out the front..’
‘Being DJ and watching the cockroaches get a free ride on the records’
‘Yes, a very bawdy place...’ [10]
‘we could see the police coming and he would hide in the roof space. The
manhole was in the linen cupboard and they kicked the door in and got him....’ [11`]
‘...little plates of spaghetti bolognaise, dreadful stuff, and then it
got to the stage where you’d get a packet of cheese and three jatz on a plate’.
34 Beaumont Street, Hamilton (2014)
Photograph by Craig Smith
The building appears to have been rebuilt or remodelled after the 1989 earthquake. Pete’s wine bar was not directly on the corner, but the
first doorway on the south side at the first white sign. Pete's may have
occupied both buildings at different times - certainly O'Beirne's began with the double frontage.
Gay liberation
Gay liberation came to Newcastle – and Hamilton – in the
early 1970s. Jim Wafer remembers the movement holding consciousness raising
sessions in people’s homes, including his share house in Swan Street, Hamilton.
To some this became known as “Gay Liberation Headquarters”. There were other
houses as well, including one in Bibby Street, Hamilton, and Chin Chen Street,
Islington. The movement seemed to lose impetus; perhaps it was a matter of
readiness and timing. Jim Wafer tells much more of that story in 'Out in the Valley'.
The coming of HIV/AIDS
As this deterioration in the social milieu showed itself at
Tess’s wine bar, changes that would have a profound effect on the broader non-heterosexual
community were starting to occur.
In 1982, the NSW Anti Discrimination Act of 1978 was amended
by the Wran Labor Government to make it unlawful to discriminate against a
person on the grounds of their homosexuality in employment and other areas. The
anomaly was that sexual acts between men were still illegal. In May 1984 the Labour
government passed another bill which decriminalised consensual sex between
males over the age of 18. Keith Robinson lived to see these changes, the result
of a sustained campaign for law reform.
Again, in 1982, the first case of AIDS was diagnosed in
Australia, by Professor Ron Penny at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney. The man
diagnosed was an American tourist.
The discovery and spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV), which causes AIDS, was a disaster for gay
men in Australia. Yet within the tragedy would lie the seeds of change. As the public health crisis unfolded, resources had to be
mobilised for research, education and health care. Huge government budgets for
HIV/AIDS were the envy of many lobby groups for diseases such as cancer.
Australia has received international acclaim for the way it
responded to HIV/AIDS in the 1980s and 1990s. In particular, its strategy of
using people from the affected communities as peer educators for others at risk broke new ground.
Education and support organisations of community groups of
gay men, injecting drug users and sex workers received government funding and
support, working in partnership with staff from government services.
The magic word was partnership. It signalled something of a revolution. Government agencies would be working together with groups that only a short time before, had been criminalised, marginalised and often treated with contempt.
The magic word was partnership. It signalled something of a revolution. Government agencies would be working together with groups that only a short time before, had been criminalised, marginalised and often treated with contempt.
So it was that homosexuality became much more visible – it had to be talked about since HIV/AIDS
was on legal, political, community and health agendas. John Pearce, a
Novocastrian who was interviewed extensively for ‘Out in the Valley’, became a
prominent HIV/AIDS activist in Sydney, establishing both the AIDS Council of
NSW (ACON) and the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation. ACON’s first employee, he
observed how things had changed. In his new role, he said -
‘...it actually was politically advantageous or appropriate to be
out..’ [14]
ACON logo on its Facebook Page (2013)
The Hunter Branch of ACON was established in 1988. Towards the
end of that year, I accepted a position in the NSW Health Department which
would place me in the eye of the storm that was peak of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
In the three years that followed, I had a box seat for
a remarkable and tumultuous period of social change. At last, the community had to
confront and accept that gay men existed, and that they were dying.
Australian AIDS Memorial Quilt No. 99
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
Photograph courtesy of Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
It was well known among my health colleagues that regional
and country areas were challenging environments in which to be gay. Kevin
Coleman, who left Newcastle for 20 years and then came back, makes an
interesting link between the attitudinal changes that eventually came, and the 1989
Newcastle earthquake –
‘It was definitely
harder growing up (gay) in Newcastle...but I think it is changing slowly...And
since the earthquake there has been a sort of change in attitude’. [15]
The gay men who were in their teens and twenties in the
1940s and 1950s, now in their old age, will never forget the real oppression
they experienced.
‘They were afraid', said Newcastle Gay Liberationist Paul
Cole, ‘and with good reason’. [16]
For a short while, Hamilton provided safe spaces for gay,
lesbian and transgender people at a time that proved to be a turning point in
the way Australian society would regard and treat them. More recently, the Sydney
Junction Hotel in Hamilton hosted the Unity Nightclub. When the licensee
changed, the group was given its notice late in 2013 and has had to find a new
I wonder, are such safe spaces still needed, or can we be confident that our city has truly come of age in accepting the differences that flourish here?
I wonder, are such safe spaces still needed, or can we be confident that our city has truly come of age in accepting the differences that flourish here?

Gay and Lesbian Information Service T-Shirt
Photograph courtesy of Newcastle Museum
Unattributed photos by Ruth Cotton
Out in the Valley. Hunter gay and lesbian histories. Edited by Jim Wafer, Erica
Southgate, Lyndall Coan. Newcastle History Monograph No. 15. Newcastle Region
Library. 2000 p. 115
Out in the Valley p.2
Out in the Valley p. 2
Out in the Valley p.67
Out in the Valley p. 67
Out in the Valley p. 70
The Newcastle Museum Exhibition on Beaumont Street locates this at 66 Beaumont
Street. The former owner, Mary Bortolus, interviewed for this post, locates it
at 60 Beaumont Street, which appears to be correct.
This is confirmed by local historian Doug Saxon, and differs from information
in the Newcastle Museum Exhibition, which places Deitz Hardware on the
Beaumont/Cleary Street corner. However, Deitz’ Hardware was on the corner of
Beaumont and Lindsay Streets. Reference Saxon, D: Hamilton – memories of life
and school in the 1950s. Fishing Point, NSW, D. Saxon (2010)
Newcastle Herald 1970, ‘Wines and Drinkers’. Exact date not available.
Lost Gay Newcastle, Facebook
Lost Gay Newcastle, Facebook.
Out in the Valley p. 242
Out in the Valley p.146
[14] Out in
the Valley p.137
Out in the Valley p.137
[16] Out in the Valley p.134
[16] Out in the Valley p.134
1 comment:
great article brings back lots of fond memories thanks Ruth
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